Specialized Experience - Emergency Investigations, Failure Analysis, Reconstruction
Forensic Investigations of existing buildings, buildings in failure modes, emergency situations, and buildings requiring remediation of not only structure, but also mechanized roofs, seating bowls, long-span steel frames, etc. are our specialties.
We are known worldwide for emergency investigations and stabilizations, and are members of emergency response teams and consultants to numerous governmental agencies and fire and rescue departments.
The technology of building failures, natural and manmade disasters, historic restoration, forensic engineering, including facade retention techniques, facade investigation, emergency repair work and selective demolition work, has been a special service of our firms for many years, which has been called upon by government agencies, owners, contractors, major corporations, and foreign governments alike throughout the country and overseas.
Below are a few of our Emergency Make-Safe projects
Other Emergency projects include
Johns Hopkins
Fisher's Place
Charles de Gaulle Airport (consultation)
Morgan State
P G County Garage Collapse
P G County Courthouse Fire
Ames Iowa
912 F Street
2033 K Street
Bethesda Towers
Concrete Formwork Collapse
Crane Collapse Investigation - 01
Crane Collapse Investigation - 02
Crane Collapse Investigation - 03
Capture Caisson Study
Collapse Investigation, Baltimore
National Cathedral
Crane Collapse
Apex Building
Collapse Investigation